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113 Fertility Affirmations To Have A Calm & Successful Conception

When trying to conceive, it's common to feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts and fears about the process.

The pressure of timing intercourse, tracking ovulation, and waiting to see if it's successful can take a toll on mental health.

That's where fertility affirmations come in. Fertility affirmations are positive statements that can help to shift your mindset, reduce stress, and increase feelings of hope and positivity.

The power of affirmations lies in their ability to reprogram the subconscious mind. By repeating positive statements to yourself, you can start to change your beliefs and thought patterns.

Instead of focusing on fears and doubts, fertility affirmations help you to focus on your body's natural ability to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy.

While fertility affirmations may seem like a new-age trend, they have been used for centuries in many cultures to help women conceive.

Today, more and more women are turning to these positive statements to help them on their fertility journey. They can be repeated out loud, written down, or simply thought silently throughout the day.

Using fertility affirmations can also be a helpful tool for coping with the emotional rollercoaster that often accompanies the journey to parenthood.

Whether you're experiencing infertility, miscarriage, or other challenges, affirmations can help to provide a sense of calm and hope.

In this article, we'll explore some of the most powerful fertility affirmations to help you on your journey towards parenthood. From "My body is capable of creating and nurturing new life" to "I trust the timing of my life", these affirmations can help to shift your mindset and bring a sense of peace and positivity to your fertility journey.

Whether you're just starting out or have been trying for some time, incorporating fertility affirmations into your daily routine can help to reduce stress, boost confidence, and increase feelings of hope and positivity.

So, take a deep breath, relax, and let's dive into the world of fertility affirmations.

54 Powerful Fertility Affirmations To Get Pregnant

  1. "I focus on the joy of a future baby."
  1. "I nourish my soul with joyful experiences."
  1. "My partner and I share our feelings of love and appreciation so that we will be open to sharing those feelings with a baby."
  1. "I accept what I cannot change and work to better what I can change."
  1. "I am pregnant and it feels amazing!"
  1. "My body is growing my perfect baby."
  1. "With every positive thought, my body gets closer to creating and accepting a child."
  1. "I care for my body and soul, and gently release any stress that I may take on."
  1. "I nourish my body with healthy foods."
  1. "My body is supple and ready for a child."
  1. "I have the time, resources, and positive mind to bring about perfect conditions for a healthy pregnancy."
  1. "My grief is what’s left from something I love that I don’t have. I accept my grief and nourish that love I have."
  1. "I am NOT inadequate! I am enough."
  1. "I am doing everything in my power to assist my body in cradling a new life."
Powerful Fertility Affirmations
  1. "I nourish my mind with positive thoughts."
  1. "I focus on the love I have for my baby."
  1. "I am ready for a baby!"
  1. "I let go of anger caused by my grief."

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  1. "As I relax, my body lets go of the stress of my miscarriage and builds itself up to prepare for a healthy pregnancy."
  1. "The baby I lost knows how much love I have in my heart."
  1. "I feel like Superwoman when I’m pregnant!"
  1. "When I see other pregnant women around me, I feel joy for their health and fertility!"
  1. "I feel a pregnancy growing inside me and I feel powerful and alive!"
  1. "I release feelings of jealousy, anger, and grief so that I may focus on love for a new life."
  1. "As I care for my body through diet, exercise, and meditation, my body is ready to have a baby."
  1. "Today I am filled with hope."
  1. "My body is as fertile, strong, and beautiful as a field of wildflowers."
  1. "I have everything I need to grow a healthy baby."
Powerful Fertility Affirmations
  1. "I’m not alone in this pregnancy process."
  1. "I am meant to be a mother."
  1. "Love surrounds me and the universe supports me in getting pregnant."
  1. "It’s ok for pregnancy to take a while – each baby has its own timeline."
  1. "My job is to relax and accept the life that is being offered to me."
  1. "I have it in me to be SuperMom."
  1. "I can’t wait to experience the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth."
  1. "I release the jealousy, grief, and fear of the past to welcome in love, acceptance, and joy for the future with my baby."

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  1. "Motherhood is my destiny."
  1. "I’m prepared to be a mother and my baby is yearning to join me."
  1. "I will conceive a healthy, happy baby and give it a comfortable, caring home both inside and outside of me."
  1. "Every breath, every moment, brings me closer to creating my child."
  1. "My fears and thoughts about pregnancy are valid, but they do not control this process."
Fertility Affirmations
  1. "Pregnancy is possible for me. I can get pregnant."
  1. "I nourish myself with only the most healthy and positive things that will help me to get pregnant."
  1. "My womb is a wonderful, welcoming place."
  1. "It’s okay to take time to process my feelings, to feel what’s going on in my body."
  1. "I gracefully welcome those things that are going to make my baby’s arrival possible, even the challenges."
  1. "My body is a blessing worthy of carrying a child."
  1. "I have the strength and patience to endure until the time is optimal for my baby."
  1. "My partner and I are focused on and supportive of each other in this pregnancy process."
  1. "My family is ready to acquire some new teammates."
  1. "It’s not a weakness to ask for help. It’s the first sign of mature parenting."
  1. "I am perfectly equipped to become pregnant and deliver a healthy baby."
  1. "I wholly accept and love whatever baby is coming my way."
  1. "I feel excited and joyful to become a mother."

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59 Fertility Affirmations To Help You Stay Positive & Relax

  1. "I am calm and ready."
  1. "I am ready to receive the gift of a child."
  1. "My womb is ready to carry our baby."
  1. "I am healthy and happy and ready to conceive our baby."
Fertility Affirmations To Help You Stay Positive
  1. "I trust that my body will conceive our baby."
  1. "I know how to take care of my body and mind to support new life."
  1. "I am ready to become a mother."
  1. "My body knows how to grow and carry our healthy baby."
  1. "I am strong and fertile."
  1. "My partner and I will be good parents."
  1. "I love and trust my body is ready to create our baby."
  1. "I have everything I need to be a good mother."
  1. "My body and hormones are in perfect balance. I feel healthy, strong and fertile."
  1. "I trust that our baby is coming."
  1. "I am the best parent for my baby."
  1. "My womb is open to receive a baby."
  1. "I am taking care of my body and mind in order to welcome a baby."
Fertility Affirmations To Help You Stay Positive
  1. "My body is open to new life."
  1. "My womb is open to new life."
  1. "I love myself through this fertility journey."

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  1. "Patience and care help my body prepare for pregnancy."
  1. "I am worthy of motherhood."
  1. "My body knows exactly how to care for my growing baby."
  1. "My body is designed to conceive."
  1. "My body works well in order to get pregnant."
  1. "I feel safe, supported, and loved during this fertility journey."
  1. "I am grateful for my partner, whose support and love is unconditional."
  1. "My body has everything it needs to conceive."
  1. "I am worthy of a child."
  1. "I am grateful for the support I have in my life."
Fertility Affirmations To Help You Stay Positive
  1. "My body was made to nurture a baby."
  1. "When I receive bad news, I take the time to acknowledge how I feel, and then let it go"
  1. "In tough moments, I take the time to feel and then take the time to heal."
  1. "When I fall asleep and dream about my baby, I subconsciously invite the perfect soul into my life."
  1. "I am grateful for the blessings I already have in my life."
  1. "I lovingly release today and slip into slumber knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself."

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  1. "I am worthy of becoming a mother."
  1. "I lean in toward what feels good."
  1. "I will not let the stress of infertility overtake my life."
  1. "I trust myself. I trust my body."
  1. "With every deep breath, I release my feelings of anxiety."
  1. "This struggle is temporary, like clouds in a storm."
  1. "I have deep purpose and make an incredible contribution to this world, just as I am right now."
  1. "I take the time to look after myself."
  1. "I wake up and go to sleep with gratitude in my heart."
Fertility Affirmations
  1. "It’s my time and I am ready to welcome my baby into the world."
  1. "Everything will pan out with divine timing."
  1. "I make sure sleep is a priority."
  1. "Even when my friends and family say the wrong thing, I know they are all standing behind me, cheering me on."
  1. "I cannot control everything and that is ok."
  1. "I am made for motherhood- body, heart, and soul."
  1. "I have abundant space around me to welcome my baby."
  1. "My body is healing. My body is powerful."
  1. "I will surrender to the process and take every day as it comes."

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  1. "This too shall pass."
  1. "I listen to my body and the messages she is sending me."
  1. "I am a warrior."
  1. "Whatever the outcome, I will survive."
  1. "Time bends for me. There is still ample time for me to conceive"
Fertility Affirmations To Help You Stay Positive

How Can Reading Fertility Affirmations Be Beneficial?

Reading fertility affirmations can be beneficial in many ways.

Firstly, it can help to shift your mindset from one of fear and doubt to one of hope and positivity.

When trying to conceive, it's easy to become consumed by negative thoughts and fears about the process.

Reading fertility affirmations can help to interrupt these negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones.

In addition, reading fertility affirmations can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on fertility.

Stress has been shown to interfere with ovulation and decrease the chances of conception.

By incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine, you can help to reduce stress levels and create a more relaxed and positive environment for conception.

Fertility affirmations can also be a helpful tool for increasing confidence and self-belief.

When trying to conceive, it's easy to feel like your body is failing you or that you're not doing enough.

Fertility affirmations can help to remind you of your body's natural ability to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy.

By repeating positive statements to yourself, you can increase feelings of self-worth and confidence in your ability to conceive.

Finally, reading fertility affirmations can be a helpful tool for coping with the emotional ups and downs that often accompany the fertility journey.

Whether you're experiencing infertility, miscarriage, or other challenges, affirmations can provide a sense of calm and hope during difficult times.

Next Steps

Implementing fertility affirmations into daily life is a simple and effective way to create a positive mindset and reduce stress during the fertility journey.

Here are a few ways to incorporate fertility affirmations into your daily routine:

  1. Write Them Down: Write down a few of your favorite fertility affirmations on a piece of paper or in a journal. Place them somewhere visible where you can see them throughout the day, such as on your bathroom mirror, your desk, or in your car.
  2. Repeat Them During Meditation Or Mindfulness Practices: Take a few moments each day to practice meditation or mindfulness. During this time, repeat your favorite fertility affirmations to yourself. This can help to create a sense of calm and relaxation, as well as reinforce positive thought patterns.
  3. Set Reminders On Your Phone: Set reminders on your phone throughout the day to read your fertility affirmations. This can be especially helpful during times when you're feeling stressed or anxious.
  4. Say Them Out Loud: Say your fertility affirmations out loud to yourself each morning or evening. This can be a powerful way to reinforce positive beliefs and create a sense of confidence and self-worth.
  5. Use Them As Mantras: Use your fertility affirmations as mantras during challenging moments. When you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, repeat your affirmations to yourself as a way to create a sense of calm and reassurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Fertility Affirmations?

Fertility affirmations are positive statements that focus on promoting fertility, creating a positive mindset, and reducing stress during the fertility journey.

These affirmations can be helpful for anyone trying to conceive naturally or with the help of fertility treatments.

How Do Fertility Affirmations Work?

Fertility affirmations work by creating a positive mindset and reducing stress during the fertility journey.

When we repeat positive statements to ourselves, we create new neural pathways in our brains that reinforce these positive beliefs.

This can help to reduce anxiety and stress, and promote a sense of calm and confidence.

Can Fertility Affirmations Increase The Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

While there is no guarantee that fertility affirmations will increase the chances of getting pregnant, they can be a helpful tool for reducing stress and promoting a positive mindset during the fertility journey.

Stress can have a negative impact on fertility, so reducing stress levels can potentially improve fertility outcomes.

Additionally, a positive mindset can help to create a sense of confidence and self-worth, which can be beneficial during the fertility journey.

113 Fertility Affirmations To Have A Calm & Successful Conception