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361 Negative Words That Begin With The Letter “Q”

361 Negative Words That Begin With The Letter “Q”

Quash, Querulous, Quirky

The letter Q is an interesting one. It stands out from other letters in the alphabet as it has the rule that the letter U typically follows it.

There is not an overabundance of words that begin with the letter Q, but there are definitely words of importance, and it is very much worth your while to take a look at the lists included in this article.

One of the most significant Q words of our time is “queer”. While this word originally meant odd or unusual, it has now come to mean homosexual, and is part of LGBTQ2S+.

This community has made many inroads into acceptance into society, but there is still much to be done.

Young people who are queer often have great difficulty coming to terms with it, and many do not feel they can be openly queer at school.

Students who are queer are often subjected to harassment, in some cases extreme harassment to the point where the individual feels suicidal.

There are supports for youth who belong to the LGBTQ2S+ community where they can get counseling and participate in activities with other queer youth, so they feel validated and not so alone.

It is important in the workplace as well that people’s identity is respected. When we respect queer colleagues, they know they belong, and this allows them to give their best at work.

Accepting people for who they are sends a message of inclusion, and enables everyone to live a full and happy life.

Join me as I look at other Q words.

Negative Words That Start With Q To Describe People Or Things

Having the right words to describe people and things is super important.

Whether you’re talking to your bestie about a new coworker who is driving you nuts, or you’re writing a key report on environmental science, having the correct words to express your ideas and opinions is beneficial.

The letter Q has some great negative words to describe people and things.

Let’s begin by looking at the word, querulous. Sometimes in families, one sibling will accuse the other of being querulous.

If your younger brother or sister seemed to be always whining about something then you could say they were querulous.

Children, when they are tired, can often complain a lot, and whine about everything, it seems. When kids hit that point all they need is sleep.

Even adults will get querulous when they are tired. They are negative about everything, whining and complaining.

It really doesn’t make any difference what you do to try to make it better. The only thing that can help is rest.

Another good negative Q word to know is queasy. Do you suffer from a stomach that is susceptible to motion sickness?

My younger brother is like that, and he gets queasy just at the thought of getting on a boat.

When he and his wife and children went on a holiday in Hawaii, they went out on a boat to scuba dive. Sadly, my brother just had to focus on trying to keep his stomach from doing somersaults.

They also thought it would be fabulous to go up in a helicopter to get a bird’s eye view tour of the island. From the moment they took off, my brother was in agony.

As soon as they landed, he scrambled from the helicopter and was promptly sick to his stomach. Not fun.

His queasy stomach even plagued him when he was younger. Whenever we went to a fair, he had to steer clear of rides.

Check out other negative Q words for describing people and things in the list below.

Negative Words To Describe Person Or Thing Starting With Q

  1. "Quake"
  1. "Quash"
  1. "Quick tempered"
  1. "Quack"
  1. "Quiescent"
  1. "Quagmire"
  1. "Quell"
  1. "Quandary"
  1. "Query"
  1. "Qualm"
  1. "Querulous"
  1. "Quackery"
  1. "Questionable"
  1. "Queasy"
  1. "Quarantine"
  1. "Quenchless"
  1. "Quick fix"
  1. "Quaver"
  1. "Questing"
  1. "Queen bee"
  1. "Quixotic"
  1. "Quackish"
  1. "Quilted"
  1. "Quotidian"
  1. "Quivering"
  1. "Quasi"
  1. "Quandary-ridden"
  1. "Quietude"
  1. "Quondam"
  1. "Quaverous"
  1. "Quaint"
  1. "Quirk"
  1. "Quick-witted"
  1. "Quaggy"
  1. "Quizzical"
  1. "Quarrelsome"
  1. "Quinquevalent"
  1. "Quantitative"
  1. "Quirky"
  1. "Quicksilver"
  1. "Questioning"
  1. "Quotable"
  1. "Queer"
  1. "Querulousness"
  1. "Quilted-over"
  1. "Queasy-making"
  1. "Quixotism"
  1. "Quellable"
  1. "Quaintish"
  1. "Quasi-visionary"

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  1. "Quirly"
  1. "Quivering-lipped"
  1. "Quashy"
  1. "Quiescence"
  1. "Quirking"
  1. "Quadragenarian"
  1. "Quick-paced"
  1. "Quadrantal"
  1. "Quick-stepped"
  1. "Quirinal"
  1. "Quadratic"
  1. "Quietistic"
  1. "Quivery"
  1. "Quadrating"
  1. "Quoitlike"
  1. "Quagmiry"
  1. "Quirrellous"
  1. "Quizzing"
  1. "Quarantining"
  1. "Quiveringly"
  1. "Quasi-official"
  1. "Qualitative"
  1. "Quakingly"
  1. "Quavery"
  1. "Qualifying"
  1. "Quartziferous"
  1. "Quahog"
  1. "Queanish"
  1. "Quartic"
  1. "Qualifiable"
  1. "Quarried"
  1. "Quaky"
  1. "Quartzitic"
  1. "Quartered"
  1. "Quicken"
  1. "Quellio"
  1. "Quibbling"
  1. "Questant"
  1. "Questionless"
  1. "Queenless"
  1. "Quiescently"
  1. "Querulously"
  1. "Quicksome"
  1. "Queasily"
  1. "Questionary"
  1. "Quickening"
  1. "Quintessential"
  1. "Quenching"
  1. "Quietening"
  1. "Quit"

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Negative Adverbs That Start With The Letter Q

An adverb is an important part of speech that gives more information about an adjective, a verb (also known as an action word), or another adverb.

Some examples may help to clarify what adverbs do. As a modifier of an adjective you could say that the film was very dark. Very is the adverb in this case, and gives information about how dark the film was, with dark being the adjective.

If the adverb is telling something about a verb, or action word, an example would be, she quickly closed the window. Quickly is the adverb that tells us how she closed (the verb) the window.

It is also possible to have an adverb helping out another adverb. An example of this is, the horse was moving incredibly slowly. Incredibly is the adverb that says how slowly, the second adverb, the horse was moving.

Now that you are an expert on adverbs, let’s move on to negative Q adverbs.

Data may be organized quantifiably meaning it is organized according to how it is measured. People who work with statistics would do this sort of thing.

Questionably is another good Q adverb, and there are variations of this adverb that mean slightly different things.

You could say, the designer’s style was questionably good. This would mean that whether the style was good or not is open to discussion.

Questioningly refers to how a person does something or says something. For example, the mother looked questioningly at her son’s filthy pants. She would be wondering how they got so dirty.

There is also the adverb, questionlessly which is the opposite of our last example. The woman questionlessly accepted her role as cook for the family.

Adverbs Starting With Letter Q

  1. "Quintessentially"
  1. "Quixotically"
  1. "Quarterly"
  1. "Questionably"
  1. "Quantifiably"
  1. "Qualitatively"
  1. "Quaveringly"
  1. "Questioningly"
  1. "Quirkily"
  1. "Quantitatively"
  1. "Queryingly"
  1. "Quizzically"
  1. "Quantitively"
  1. "Queerly"
  1. "Quadratically"
  1. "Queenly"
  1. "Quaintly"
  1. "Questionlessly"
  1. "Quranically"
  1. "Queenlily"
  1. "Quadruply"
  1. "Quyght"
  1. "Quick-Wittedly"
  1. "Quaffably"
  1. "Quadrennially"
  1. "Quantitywise"
  1. "Quietlike"
  1. "Qod"
  1. "Quinquennially"
  1. "Quitly"
  1. "Quartically"
  1. "Quite The Contrary"
  1. "Quadriennially"
  1. "Quite A Bit"
  1. "Questward"
  1. "Quailingly"
  1. "Quizzingly"
  1. "Quatenus"
  1. "Quasistatically"
  1. "Quhair"
  1. "Quakily"
  1. "Quight"
  1. "Quantumly"
  1. "Quantum Sufficit"
  1. "Queerishly"
  1. "Quhere"
  1. "Quasiconformally"
  1. "Quadrillionfold"
  1. "Quaternarily"
  1. "Quadrilaterally"

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  1. "Quhow"
  1. "Quhar"
  1. "Quher"
  1. "Quibblingly"
  1. "Quia"
  1. "Quhen"
  1. "Quaquaversally"
  1. "Quotidianly"
  1. "Quasiperiodically"
  1. "Qur'anically"
  1. "Quantically"
  1. "Quantificationally"
  1. "Quadrantally"
  1. "Questingly"
  1. "Quadrupedally"

Obscure Words That Begin With Q

If you are looking to increase your vocabulary, adding some obscure words is a great way to do it.

What about the word, quaff? Quaff is a verb, or an action word and it refers to how you drink something - usually an alcoholic beverage. If you were to quaff your beer, you would drink it lustily and with great heart!

Do you know the word, quarry? A quarry is a large hole which has been dug for its stone or sand. These materials are typically used for roads or buildings.

A quarry can also be something or someone that is chased or hunted.

And finally, we have the word quibble. To quibble about something is to argue about it. The subject matter is typically not very important.

There are people who like to make a fuss about every little thing. I am not a person who likes to quibble, and find it annoying to be with someone who does.

I once dated someone who quibbled over everything, and it would be embarrassing at times. A common situation would be when we were at a restaurant for dinner.

He would quibble about every part of the meal, the soup was too salty, the potatoes were whipped too much, the steak was not quite to his liking, and of course, the cost of the meal was too much.

Needless to say, I didn’t date him for very long.

Obscure Words That Starts With Letter Q

  1. "Qualify"
  1. "Quadrilateral"
  1. "Quaff"
  1. "Qualified"
  1. "Quantity"
  1. "Quadruped"
  1. "Quarrel"
  1. "Quarry"
  1. "Queue"
  1. "Quantum"
  1. "Quest"
  1. "Quay"
  1. "Quibble"
  1. "Quench"
  1. "Quorum"
  1. "Quintessence"
  1. "Quisling"
  1. "Quip"
  1. "Quotation"
  1. "Quiver"
  1. "Quadragesimal"
  1. "Quallmire"
  1. "Quadruplator"
  1. "Quavery-Mavery"
  1. "Quaaltagh"
  1. "Quaquaversal"
  1. "Quagswagging"
  1. "Quackhood"
  1. "Quaff-Tide"
  1. "Quean-Crazed"

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  1. "Quadrivium"
  1. "Quandorum"
  1. "Queechering"
  1. "Quader"
  1. "Quamped"
  1. "Quicksticks"
  1. "Quifting"
  1. "Quench-Coal"
  1. "Quidnunc"
  1. "Quibow"
  1. "Quignogs"
  1. "Queep"
  1. "Quiddle"
  1. "Quicquidlibet"
  1. "Quinkins"
  1. "Queue-Pee"
  1. "Quiritation"
  1. "Quizzity"
  1. "Quisquilian"
  1. "Quobbled"
  1. "Quidamity"
  1. "Quirklum"
  1. "Quomodocunquize"
  1. "Quisquous"
  1. "Quipsome"
  1. "Quisle"
  1. "Quop"
  1. "Quizzee"
  1. "Quotatious"

Unusual Words That Start With Q

Unusual words can be interesting to learn about and also fun! Words can be powerful, but they should also provide some fun, and unusual Q words offer us some great choices!

Take the word quagmire for example. A quagmire is a bog. It’s swampy and soft so if you step on it, you sink into it and can get stuck.

Quagmire is also used to refer to being stuck in a tricky situation that will not be easy to get out of.

You can even apply this term to someone who is in a rut, and they are not able to move forward with their life.

Another unusual Q word is quatrain. If you write lyrics or poetry you are likely familiar with this term. A quatrain is four lines which together make a stanza or verse. They might rhyme but they do not have to.

Here’s another interesting word you don’t hear used very often, quinary. Its root, quin, refers to five, like quintuplets - five children.

Quinary is used to refer to the fifth in order. The choir from the village was the quinary act to perform.

Lastly, we have the word, quince. Quince is a fruit which grows on a tree, and is a bright golden-yellow color. In its shape, it resembles a pear.

Quinces have a lot of natural pectin so they are great for making jellies and jams.

In flavor, quinces are tart, but when cooked they become sweeter.

Unusual Words Starting With Letter Q

  1. "Quasquicentennial"
  1. "Quatern"
  1. "Quartodeciman"
  1. "Quaternity"
  1. "Quat"
  1. "Quaternitarian"
  1. "Quaternion"
  1. "Quassia"
  1. "Quatorzain"
  1. "Quatrayle"
  1. "Quatch"
  1. "Quatint"
  1. "Quassation"
  1. "Quatuorvirate"
  1. "Quawk"
  1. "Quatsch"
  1. "Quatrain"
  1. "Queem"
  1. "Quattrocento"
  1. "Queach"
  1. "Quatridual"
  1. "Quaviver"
  1. "Quatrefoil"
  1. "Quean"
  1. "Quattrocentism"
  1. "Quercine"

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  1. "Queenright"
  1. "Quena"
  1. "Quenouille"
  1. "Querimonious"
  1. "Queenite"
  1. "Querical"
  1. "Quelea"
  1. "Querent"
  1. "Quenelle"
  1. "Querimony"
  1. "Quelch"
  1. "Querencia"
  1. "Quercetum"
  1. "Quercitron"
  1. "Querl"
  1. "Quern"
  1. "Quetsch"
  1. "Querken"
  1. "Questmonger"
  1. "Quersprung"
  1. "Quesited"
  1. "Querist"
  1. "Quevée"
  1. "Querquedule"
  1. "Quetzal"
  1. "Querulist"
  1. "Quickstep"
  1. "Quid"
  1. "Quidder"
  1. "Quich"
  1. "Quicklime"
  1. "Quiddany"
  1. "Queyock"
  1. "Quickset"
  1. "Quidditative"
  1. "Quickhatch"
  1. "Quidsworth"
  1. "Quidam"
  1. "Quillaia"
  1. "Quilling"
  1. "Quietism"
  1. "Quiff"
  1. "Quiddity"
  1. "Quiety"
  1. "Quietation"
  1. "Quidlibet"
  1. "Quillet"
  1. "Quietus"
  1. "Quinarian"
  1. "Quincurion"

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  1. "Quillon"
  1. "Quinary"
  1. "Quindecad"
  1. "Quince"
  1. "Quilombo"
  1. "Quinch"
  1. "Quincaillerie"
  1. "Quindecasyllabic"
  1. "Quincunx"
  1. "Quinceañera"
  1. "Quindecagon"
  1. "Quindene"

Sad And Depressing Words That Start With Q

When we feel sad and depressed, as we all do from time to time, it can be helpful if we can talk to someone about how we are feeling.

If we can tell a good friend about our feelings, then we can often start to feel better. Having the right words to express why we are feeling sad and depressed is helpful.

Sometimes our sadness and depression may be rooted in feeling like we are being treated as though we don’t matter.

Maybe at work you put together a presentation that took you many hours to prepare, but it was met with criticism.

You might feel like your ideas, and you along with them, have been quashed. If you feel quashed you feel like you have been rejected and dismissed.

If you feel quashed, reach out to those who love you and care about you. Share your feelings with them, and let them support you through this tough time.

With help, you can rise again to tackle another challenge.

Sad & Depressing Words Starting With Letter Q

  1. "Quenched"
  1. "Quashed"
  1. "Quailing"
  1. "Quavering"
  1. "Quelled"
  1. "Quiet"
  1. "Quaking"
  1. "Quelling"
  1. "Quandaries"
  1. "Queuing"
  1. "Quaveryly"
  1. "Quellingly"
  1. "Quiveryly"
  1. "Quellingness"
  1. "Quick-frozen"
  1. "Queried"
  1. "Quashedly"
  1. "Quelledly"
  1. "Quickeningly"
  1. "Quickeners"
  1. "Quillais"
  1. "Quirkiness"
  1. "Qualmishly"
  1. "Quakiness"
  1. "Quackishly"
  1. "Quotableness"
  1. "Quaffing"
  1. "Quickenings"
  1. "Qualmish"
  1. "Quamash"
  1. "Quiltings"
  1. "Quickies"
  1. "Quinqueremes"
  1. "Quasi-judicial"
  1. "Quietly"
  1. "Quipster"
  1. "Quasi-stellar"
  1. "Queerish"

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  1. "Quislings"
  1. "Querulential"
  1. "Quagmires"
  1. "Quakings"
  1. "Querulosity"
  1. "Quick-wittedness"
  1. "Quatorzains"
  1. "Quietness"
  1. "Quirksomeness"
  1. "Quailings"
  1. "Quaffers"

Frequently Asked Questions

What Kind Of Negative Words That Start With “Q”?

Some examples of negative words that start with the letter "Q" are:

  1. Quarrelsome
  2. Quick-tempered
  3. Questionable
  4. Quagmire
  5. Quandary
  6. Quake
  7. Quash
  8. Quirk
  9. Quell
  10. Quibble

What Are Some “Q” Words For People?

Here are some words that describe people and start with the letter "Q":

  1. Quirky
  2. Quick-witted
  3. Qualified
  4. Quiet
  5. Quizzical
  6. Quaint
  7. Quizzing
  8. Querulous
  9. Quixotic
  10. Questioning

Please note that these words can have both positive and negative connotations depending on the context and how they are used.

How Do You Stop Negative Words?

To stop negative words, follow these steps:

  1. Be aware of your language.
  2. Pause and think before speaking.
  3. Choose positive or neutral alternatives.
  4. Practice positive self-talk.
  5. Surround yourself with positive influences.
  6. Show empathy and compassion.
  7. Focus on finding solutions.

By consciously making these choices, you can reduce the use of negative words and create a more positive atmosphere.

Continue Reading 👉: 554 Negative Words That Begin With The Letter “N”

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